From my daily study, let me pose the question:
Woman are probably more aware of the appearance of other women than men are.
Agree or disagree?
As I was doing my study tonight- this question struck me... AGREE! Can I write that any bigger??
Why is that?
We are aware of the beautiful people around us with great hair, a better figure, a nicer smile, whiter teeth, a better car, larger house, bigger boobs, smaller booty- whatever.... we as women notice and I think if we are not careful find ourselves in another woman's shadow. We put ourselves there.
Sadly, for me this is a struggle and I believe that for most of you- it is too. Whether it is in our nature, or taught to us- we have a tendency to place ourselves in other women's shadow- constantly comparing and underscoring. I remind my girls and myself that we all were beautifully and wonderfully made by a God that makes NO mistakes. I am exactly who he wants me to be- let the peace in that wash over you!
Don't get me wrong- I am insecure in my insecurities... I hate admitting that this is a struggle for me. I want to be the kind of woman and mom that lets God tend to my insecurities... Like Beth Moore said "let God heal our world torn souls and make us experience His security in our reality."
Be the beautiful you that I see!
Today WON.
For the most part.
Juggling my child. I hate juggling him. Prioritizing him below meetings.
Not once, twice. Thank you friends who can keep him at the drop of a hat and let him play with microphones and birthday party bags and finches.
Ass chewings. We all need them. I just need them less than others because they make me cry. Thanks for taking it easy on me boss. And only dropping the "ST_UPID" word once.
45 minute grocery shopping to find that my wallet is not in my purse. At the checkout.
The option(s): go the eff home and retrieve the wallet.
On the drive home, funeral traffic.
We pulled over and talked about "why, why mama do we pull over?" Talked about Rudy T., about people who make a difference in other people's lives. How we hope to have just a fraction of that many people come to bid us farewell on our last day.
Haynes said "if you can count your friends on one hand, you are blessed."
We are blessed indeed. I mulled this over.
Back to the store. The manager had put our basket in the cooler for us.
And replaced our rotissere chicken with a fresh, new one.
Little gestures. Thank you. Why, yes, it was a huge pain in the ass to schlep a 4 year old across town to retrieve a wallet and spend 2 hours shopping as opposed to 45 minutes.
Whaddaya gonna do? Thank you black rimmed glasses floor manager man at Kroger. I really appreciate you.
A friend stopped while we were unloading groceries. You look great! You seem happy! Liar. Grumble. He helped. Even though I looked like hell in gym shorts and a pony tail and aviator sunglasses.
The dinner recipe?
Turned out fast and great.
IV proclaimed it "the best dinner ever" and also loved learning about chopsticks and how other countries use them instead of forks like us.
"It's tough being a woman" says Beth Moore in our Bible study. "It's Tough Being a Woman in Another Woman's Shadow."
That "other woman"? Some days, today, she was me.
For the most part.
Juggling my child. I hate juggling him. Prioritizing him below meetings.
Not once, twice. Thank you friends who can keep him at the drop of a hat and let him play with microphones and birthday party bags and finches.
Ass chewings. We all need them. I just need them less than others because they make me cry. Thanks for taking it easy on me boss. And only dropping the "ST_UPID" word once.
45 minute grocery shopping to find that my wallet is not in my purse. At the checkout.
The option(s): go the eff home and retrieve the wallet.
On the drive home, funeral traffic.
We pulled over and talked about "why, why mama do we pull over?" Talked about Rudy T., about people who make a difference in other people's lives. How we hope to have just a fraction of that many people come to bid us farewell on our last day.
Haynes said "if you can count your friends on one hand, you are blessed."
We are blessed indeed. I mulled this over.
Back to the store. The manager had put our basket in the cooler for us.
And replaced our rotissere chicken with a fresh, new one.
Little gestures. Thank you. Why, yes, it was a huge pain in the ass to schlep a 4 year old across town to retrieve a wallet and spend 2 hours shopping as opposed to 45 minutes.
Whaddaya gonna do? Thank you black rimmed glasses floor manager man at Kroger. I really appreciate you.
A friend stopped while we were unloading groceries. You look great! You seem happy! Liar. Grumble. He helped. Even though I looked like hell in gym shorts and a pony tail and aviator sunglasses.
The dinner recipe?
Turned out fast and great.
IV proclaimed it "the best dinner ever" and also loved learning about chopsticks and how other countries use them instead of forks like us.
"It's tough being a woman" says Beth Moore in our Bible study. "It's Tough Being a Woman in Another Woman's Shadow."
That "other woman"? Some days, today, she was me.
It's TOUGH Being a Woman...
AMEN Haynes!
Before we start picking our female traits apart...I want to tell you a story.
I woke up this morning and saw an email from Haynes about us doing the study on Esther together and how she thought we should pick up the G-Tox blog again and use it to connect during the course. So I fired up my laptop to change our masthead and "freshen" things up a bit and...
Low and behold, she had already posted! Now THAT'S being beautiful, sensitive, read-your-mind, intuitive women! YAY!
My personal experience on being a woman very much mirrored what Erin wrote below...with a twist. Most of you know that I am a single mom, so much of my life is not only being the WOMAN, but being the MAN. I feel like, for the most part, I am a pretty capable person. I can hang pictures, I can mow a yard, I have a set of tools, I can rewire my dryer for a three-prong-plug (you heard that right!).
But...that doesn't mean I WANT to.
Ooooh and that hurts! It stings! Because the stubborn, independent side of me wants to have that "can do all" attitude. And it's not only directed at the man in my life, sweet JR, but sometimes also at God. Because those indignant traits rear their head and humility is no where around.
These are definitely things that I try to work on - being "OK" with asking for help...from JR, from God, from my parents.
This past Sunday, the reading discussed having a thirst for God's word, in good times AND bad. Not just one or the other. This resonated with me because I think all too often women try to take it all on - we are amazing, wonderful, CAPABLE creatures...but for me, I think the key is remembering that it comes from God. All these blessings, characteristics, strengths - AND WEAKNESSES - come from our Almighty God.
I can't wait to take this journey with Erin - girl, you have introduced me to something that has set my soul on fire and I love that we get to walk it hand in hand, even from a distance!
Before we start picking our female traits apart...I want to tell you a story.
I woke up this morning and saw an email from Haynes about us doing the study on Esther together and how she thought we should pick up the G-Tox blog again and use it to connect during the course. So I fired up my laptop to change our masthead and "freshen" things up a bit and...
Low and behold, she had already posted! Now THAT'S being beautiful, sensitive, read-your-mind, intuitive women! YAY!
My personal experience on being a woman very much mirrored what Erin wrote below...with a twist. Most of you know that I am a single mom, so much of my life is not only being the WOMAN, but being the MAN. I feel like, for the most part, I am a pretty capable person. I can hang pictures, I can mow a yard, I have a set of tools, I can rewire my dryer for a three-prong-plug (you heard that right!).
But...that doesn't mean I WANT to.
Ooooh and that hurts! It stings! Because the stubborn, independent side of me wants to have that "can do all" attitude. And it's not only directed at the man in my life, sweet JR, but sometimes also at God. Because those indignant traits rear their head and humility is no where around.
These are definitely things that I try to work on - being "OK" with asking for help...from JR, from God, from my parents.
This past Sunday, the reading discussed having a thirst for God's word, in good times AND bad. Not just one or the other. This resonated with me because I think all too often women try to take it all on - we are amazing, wonderful, CAPABLE creatures...but for me, I think the key is remembering that it comes from God. All these blessings, characteristics, strengths - AND WEAKNESSES - come from our Almighty God.
I can't wait to take this journey with Erin - girl, you have introduced me to something that has set my soul on fire and I love that we get to walk it hand in hand, even from a distance!
Esther: It is TOUGH being a woman
Can I get an AMEN?!?!
In the introduction to this study- Beth Moore posed the question
"What are the 3 toughtest things about being a woman?"
At first thought- easy enough... HORMONES, but upon further reflection there is so much more. Yes I still think hormones is my #1, but it is how we are beautifully and wonderfully made. It is our (womanly) difference from men. We are meant to be emotional, sensitive, caring, nurturing, and sweet... this is not a "get out of jail free card" to be rude, mean insensitive, or down right hurtful...
which leads me to my #2- BALANCE...
Hello- what woman, wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend, working girl doesn't struggle with balance and feel like they are failing in one aspect. It is just as Beth Moore said,
It is TOUGH to be a woman.
So many balls in the air... one does inevidably drop- but as I have learned and I am sure you have too...
THE WORLD DOESN'T END like we think it will.
#3- I think is a blend of 1 and 2- we are our own worst enemies ladies... We are competitive, jealous, caddy, and hateful to on another. Most importantly, we are unforgiving. How are we ever going to be comfortable in our own skins when we are so worried about what our friends or worse yet our frienemies will think, do, or heaven forbid say about us...
I am SO GUILTY of this.
So many times I have stewed over the way people perceive me, rather than how God SEES me. Convicting huh?
Don't get me wrong- I have more that make it hard to be a woman- submission, jealousy, lack of understanding... the list goes on and on...and I am hoping to grow and know more as this Bible study unfolds in my living room.
I am blessed beyond words that Liz and I are doing this study together long distance. I pray it opens our eyes and hearts to what God wants us to see and hear from HIS word, as well as opens the doors to friendships and closes doors to those that aren't of HIM. I pray to be the kind of wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend that God would have me to be. I want to be a model to Mattie and Hailey- of Godly woman in Godly relationships.
Thank you Liz for encouraging me to start this study with you- may we enjoy being a women--together!
Get it Girl...
OK - so stage two has started for me and I feel like this is "real life G Tox" - wherein I am faced with real world eating habits and no longer have the crutch of "I"M ON A CLEANSE!" at the tip of my tongue. So, you know, application is the right word. Suck it up would be another choice.
For instance: this morning I joined a friend for breakfast and there was literally NOTHING on the menu that was cleanse friendly (not going to throw the establishment under the bus but...dang man, can't ya'll cook anything healthy?!). I opted for an egg white veggie omelette, knowing full well that eggs are not approved but you know what? I had to eat something. Best choice possible given the circumstances.
The things I can always control? Alcohol. Water intake. Supplements. The best choices possible.
I also have a bestie who is about to sign up for the G Tox, just waiting for all her supplements to come in. It gets me so FIRED UP to tell people about the cleanse, about how awesome they are going to feel, about the tricks of the trade, etc. This particular bestie really is looking for a weight loss option in addition to general health makeover...and I can't tell you how excited I am for her to reap the benefits of the G Tox.
Another note: HUGE snaps to my sweet friend Eliza Q., who holds me accountable constantly. We text and chat and review what we are eating, check in on one another and motivate each other. Good, bad, indifferent, we share the experience and it is SO helpful to not go at this alone. Sharing the experience and growing it together is part of what makes it so rewarding. So I definitely advise you to enlist a friend. They will talk you down when you realize you've been drooling over no bake peanut butter bars on Pinterest. Seriously.
Maintenance on the G Tox seems to be going well. The scale says so.
Here's to another 21 days!
For instance: this morning I joined a friend for breakfast and there was literally NOTHING on the menu that was cleanse friendly (not going to throw the establishment under the bus but...dang man, can't ya'll cook anything healthy?!). I opted for an egg white veggie omelette, knowing full well that eggs are not approved but you know what? I had to eat something. Best choice possible given the circumstances.
The things I can always control? Alcohol. Water intake. Supplements. The best choices possible.
I also have a bestie who is about to sign up for the G Tox, just waiting for all her supplements to come in. It gets me so FIRED UP to tell people about the cleanse, about how awesome they are going to feel, about the tricks of the trade, etc. This particular bestie really is looking for a weight loss option in addition to general health makeover...and I can't tell you how excited I am for her to reap the benefits of the G Tox.
Another note: HUGE snaps to my sweet friend Eliza Q., who holds me accountable constantly. We text and chat and review what we are eating, check in on one another and motivate each other. Good, bad, indifferent, we share the experience and it is SO helpful to not go at this alone. Sharing the experience and growing it together is part of what makes it so rewarding. So I definitely advise you to enlist a friend. They will talk you down when you realize you've been drooling over no bake peanut butter bars on Pinterest. Seriously.
Maintenance on the G Tox seems to be going well. The scale says so.
Here's to another 21 days!
The End is Near...
So, I'm on Day 19, two more days of G Tox left and maybe time for a little recap.
I feel incredible. Outside of the debacle called "Barcycle" on Sunday wherein I tried to die a slow vodka induced death on a golf cart in knee high St. Patrick's Day argyle socks.
Habits are a funny thing. My body is leaning on the G Tox method of eating and water and supplements and has become very much used to it. Expectant. It LIKES the G Tox.
MCH asked how much I've lost - it has been a total of 7 pounds. But it is a BIZARRE 7 pounds. It is in places I have never lost weight before - namely my stomach and lower body area. Belly fat, MCH claims.
I feel lighter. Slimmer. As slim as a self-proclaimed Kim Kardashian can feel, I think.
The lesson though is more than just shedding a few pounds for Spring Break (which is NICE, not gonna lie). It truly has been an exercise in modifying habits, seeing with eyes wide open the affect that FOOD has on your BODY. Emotionally, physically, everything is affected by food.
How nuts is that?!?
Day 22 is going to start a "modified" version, a Stage Two, if you will, on G Tox. I am going to continue my shakes and water, but with modified supplements provided by MCH. I would still like to shake a few more pounds off and I think the shakes really provide some structure for my day. I know a lot of G Tox-ers do NOT LOVE the shakes but, man, I must be adding crack to mine because they rock my little world.
The crack might explain the weight loss.
Gonna keep it up folks - loving some G Tox.
I feel incredible. Outside of the debacle called "Barcycle" on Sunday wherein I tried to die a slow vodka induced death on a golf cart in knee high St. Patrick's Day argyle socks.
Habits are a funny thing. My body is leaning on the G Tox method of eating and water and supplements and has become very much used to it. Expectant. It LIKES the G Tox.
MCH asked how much I've lost - it has been a total of 7 pounds. But it is a BIZARRE 7 pounds. It is in places I have never lost weight before - namely my stomach and lower body area. Belly fat, MCH claims.
I feel lighter. Slimmer. As slim as a self-proclaimed Kim Kardashian can feel, I think.
The lesson though is more than just shedding a few pounds for Spring Break (which is NICE, not gonna lie). It truly has been an exercise in modifying habits, seeing with eyes wide open the affect that FOOD has on your BODY. Emotionally, physically, everything is affected by food.
How nuts is that?!?
Day 22 is going to start a "modified" version, a Stage Two, if you will, on G Tox. I am going to continue my shakes and water, but with modified supplements provided by MCH. I would still like to shake a few more pounds off and I think the shakes really provide some structure for my day. I know a lot of G Tox-ers do NOT LOVE the shakes but, man, I must be adding crack to mine because they rock my little world.
The crack might explain the weight loss.
Gonna keep it up folks - loving some G Tox.
Life After G-Tox
I text messaged Mary Claire last night and asked her to address one simple thing:
What happens after G-Tox??!?!?
Since I started G-Tox, I have had extremely BAD experiences with any time processed food is put in my path - my tummy hurts, I feel awful, bloated, my body is totally rejecting it now. Just say no to hot dogs and chips at golf tournaments.
Which is a beautiful thing! Right?
It's obviously not realistic - or probably recommended - that one continue on a life of psyllium husk and 13 supplements a day. The G-Tox was intended to be a reset of eating and living habits, not a lifestyle in and of itself.
Although Lance Armstrong probably takes more supplements than that. But he is a super-athlete and I'm just doing Brazilian Butt Lift. Sorry, off topic, I just have him on the brain today.
How does one segue into a "normal" life once the detox is over? I am SCARED. How will my body change? How will I maintain this weight loss and healthy good feeling? Because I do NOT want to let this go.
Well, Mary Claire has promised that there is a "modified" version that is a good next step after G-Tox. Early on, I made a mental agreement with myself that the protein shakes are something I would continue on a daily basis for at least one, if not two of my meals - they are total hassle-free, yummy way to get nutrients and good things in my body, starting at breakfast. But what else can one do to maintain all the good things G-Tox did in 21 days?
Stay tuned - MCH has agreed to answer this question for everyone! YAY!
What happens after G-Tox??!?!?
Since I started G-Tox, I have had extremely BAD experiences with any time processed food is put in my path - my tummy hurts, I feel awful, bloated, my body is totally rejecting it now. Just say no to hot dogs and chips at golf tournaments.
Which is a beautiful thing! Right?
It's obviously not realistic - or probably recommended - that one continue on a life of psyllium husk and 13 supplements a day. The G-Tox was intended to be a reset of eating and living habits, not a lifestyle in and of itself.
Although Lance Armstrong probably takes more supplements than that. But he is a super-athlete and I'm just doing Brazilian Butt Lift. Sorry, off topic, I just have him on the brain today.
How does one segue into a "normal" life once the detox is over? I am SCARED. How will my body change? How will I maintain this weight loss and healthy good feeling? Because I do NOT want to let this go.
Well, Mary Claire has promised that there is a "modified" version that is a good next step after G-Tox. Early on, I made a mental agreement with myself that the protein shakes are something I would continue on a daily basis for at least one, if not two of my meals - they are total hassle-free, yummy way to get nutrients and good things in my body, starting at breakfast. But what else can one do to maintain all the good things G-Tox did in 21 days?
Stay tuned - MCH has agreed to answer this question for everyone! YAY!
G-TOX stumble

Well- this is not a G-tox for the weak... at all... Once you fall off the wagon (which I did at HH's baby shower- mind you not with food, but champagne, and more champagne, and more champagne....) to the end of that event which led to my cheat dinner that night, which led to my thought, "a new day tomorrow" which led to me Have ass-ing it sense then... but,
TOMORROW really is a new day- and a new start for the G-TOX! The best part of it is that everyone around me has been so supportive- from my hubs Ken, to my friend, Liz (who is hard cord what what!), to my boss- Sara! It is amazing how many people have done or are doing a G-tox and are such an encouragement to me. It is not easy, but it is worth it- once you get the kinks worked out!
There are temptations... I am tempted daily by the building with the pink awning- calling my name from anywhere on this island really! (Donut Palace)
I wish I were wired different- I wish I was a person who craved fruits and veggie, but I am not- I am a person who CRAVES donuts and then more donuts... but I am inspired once again by situations, people on my pathway, and my future to really take a LOOOOOOOONNNNNGGG hard look at what goes in my body. I am TRYING everyday to change my thinking from a girl who eats because it tastes good to the girl who eats because it is good for me. I have noticed since my slip off the wagon- how I have changed towards how food makes me feel. Diet cokes are too sweet now that is a PLUS! I LOVE coffee in the morning... but I can't break up with my creamer- got to have a reason to keep going. I love the advocare protein shake- yum! and psyllium husk- you taste good in nothing- period. I am about to take Ken's advice and just "take it as a shot" and most like throw up after...
The song "What if I stumble, what if I fall" is playing in my head as I type this- but it is a new day tomorrow and a new chance to change every step you take from here on out... you will stumble, so will I again, but I truly believe that those stumbles are the ones that grow you.
It's like anything else hard- if it were easy- EVERYONE would do it!
Can I get an AMEN?!?!?
Putting my big girl panties on and dealing with it!
PS- the shower for Hayley was precious! LOVE HER!
Lesson Learned
Big ol' lesson learned on the G Tox: body still needs food.
I was working at a golf tournament yesterday and I KNEW BETTER - I knew they wouldn't have the right kind of food there. Even though breakfast was promising (Chik-fil-A had fruit cups and I grabbed one of those to hold me over), lunch consisted of a hot dog and chips.
I stared at it. What in the H-E-Double Hockey Sticks was I going to do with that?!?
I made a game time decision: eat a few bites of hot dog without the bun, and a few chips.
OK and maybe I'm now G Tox cray-cray, but my tummy instantly rebelled and said "NO MA'AM" - it literally hurt from eating a handful of chips and two bites of hot dog. I pulled some emergency almonds out of my purse and chowed, vowing to make a stellar dinner when I was home and done with the tournament.
I did: I grilled a chicken breast (shared with Cat), made some whole grain brown rice and black beans, and a fresh pico out of tomatoes, onion, jalapenos and avocado. I was famished. Never before had I felt empty or starving on the G Tox but my body definitely told me "Sister, you need to EAT!"
This brought up a few important points for me.
One, I am going to carry a ziploc with a scoop of protein powder and my psyllium husk in my purse. I can find a bottle of water anywhere, meaning, LUNCH. I was unprepared and I paid the price for it.
Two, listen to your body. Mary Claire was very specific in telling me that this is not about deprivation. This is about emptying your body of toxins and bad things, refilling it with new ones. If you are HUNGRY? Truly HUNGRY? Eat something, dangit - but make sure it's unprocessed! Listen to your body and what it's telling you. Do chips and a gross hot dog in a white bun make your stomach turn? PUT IT DOWN.
Pay attention to how your body feels...
Because it will thank you in so many ways.
Aside, I have shed a few pounds, my skin looks aaaahhhhmazing, and I feel like I have a ton of energy. I feel...GOOD. Just good. And that's what this is all about!
I was working at a golf tournament yesterday and I KNEW BETTER - I knew they wouldn't have the right kind of food there. Even though breakfast was promising (Chik-fil-A had fruit cups and I grabbed one of those to hold me over), lunch consisted of a hot dog and chips.
I stared at it. What in the H-E-Double Hockey Sticks was I going to do with that?!?
I made a game time decision: eat a few bites of hot dog without the bun, and a few chips.
OK and maybe I'm now G Tox cray-cray, but my tummy instantly rebelled and said "NO MA'AM" - it literally hurt from eating a handful of chips and two bites of hot dog. I pulled some emergency almonds out of my purse and chowed, vowing to make a stellar dinner when I was home and done with the tournament.
I did: I grilled a chicken breast (shared with Cat), made some whole grain brown rice and black beans, and a fresh pico out of tomatoes, onion, jalapenos and avocado. I was famished. Never before had I felt empty or starving on the G Tox but my body definitely told me "Sister, you need to EAT!"
This brought up a few important points for me.
One, I am going to carry a ziploc with a scoop of protein powder and my psyllium husk in my purse. I can find a bottle of water anywhere, meaning, LUNCH. I was unprepared and I paid the price for it.
Two, listen to your body. Mary Claire was very specific in telling me that this is not about deprivation. This is about emptying your body of toxins and bad things, refilling it with new ones. If you are HUNGRY? Truly HUNGRY? Eat something, dangit - but make sure it's unprocessed! Listen to your body and what it's telling you. Do chips and a gross hot dog in a white bun make your stomach turn? PUT IT DOWN.
Pay attention to how your body feels...
Because it will thank you in so many ways.
Aside, I have shed a few pounds, my skin looks aaaahhhhmazing, and I feel like I have a ton of energy. I feel...GOOD. Just good. And that's what this is all about!
G Tox Village
Everywhere I go, I run into people on the G Tox.
I wrote that one line...and a friend JUST texted me asking about it!
It has been really helpful to listen to the experiences that others are having on the G Tox. I love hearing how people are feeling, the things they try, the things that work and don't work.
Just this morning, Sondra was telling me how she has battled with drinking Dr. Pepper for years and yet, on the G Tox, she hasn't craved one, has been able to not have one without withdrawls, etc.
Now, I'm beginning to sound like an infomercial and before I get all Brazilian Butt Lift on you (yes, I own it, SUCKER)- G Tox isn't some miracle cure for addictions to donuts and Mountain Dew.
But it IS a pretty amazing way to "re-set" your way of thinking about food and your health. We live in such a fast-paced world where convenient food is at an arm's, grease, starch, fat and guess what? IT'S CHEAP.
Being considerate of what you put in your body takes effort - and time. But there are ways to do it and G Tox is a really great segue into switching to that mind set.
It takes 2 minutes to make a shake. You'd still be in the McDonald's line, I promise. So relax and rest easy knowing that two of your meals are decided for you and they are healthy, filling and EASY. FAST.
Then concentrate on that one meal - how can you pack it full of goodness, how can you enjoy the experience of making it, how can you maximize that one eating opportunity? Even when you eat out (which I do a lot, for work) - take a good look at what is IN the meal you're about to order. Don't be afraid to ask questions: does that have sugar in it? Does it have sauce? Can you bring it on the side? Take charge of what you put in your body - because you know what?
Your body is going to LOVE you for it! Lean on your G Tox Village and share your experiences with others.
I wrote that one line...and a friend JUST texted me asking about it!
It has been really helpful to listen to the experiences that others are having on the G Tox. I love hearing how people are feeling, the things they try, the things that work and don't work.
Just this morning, Sondra was telling me how she has battled with drinking Dr. Pepper for years and yet, on the G Tox, she hasn't craved one, has been able to not have one without withdrawls, etc.
Now, I'm beginning to sound like an infomercial and before I get all Brazilian Butt Lift on you (yes, I own it, SUCKER)- G Tox isn't some miracle cure for addictions to donuts and Mountain Dew.
But it IS a pretty amazing way to "re-set" your way of thinking about food and your health. We live in such a fast-paced world where convenient food is at an arm's, grease, starch, fat and guess what? IT'S CHEAP.
Being considerate of what you put in your body takes effort - and time. But there are ways to do it and G Tox is a really great segue into switching to that mind set.
It takes 2 minutes to make a shake. You'd still be in the McDonald's line, I promise. So relax and rest easy knowing that two of your meals are decided for you and they are healthy, filling and EASY. FAST.
Then concentrate on that one meal - how can you pack it full of goodness, how can you enjoy the experience of making it, how can you maximize that one eating opportunity? Even when you eat out (which I do a lot, for work) - take a good look at what is IN the meal you're about to order. Don't be afraid to ask questions: does that have sugar in it? Does it have sauce? Can you bring it on the side? Take charge of what you put in your body - because you know what?
Your body is going to LOVE you for it! Lean on your G Tox Village and share your experiences with others.
Help Hand On And Off The Wagon
So, here's what I really do like about the cleanse: you have some wiggle room.
Mary Claire totally reassured me that if something comes up and you HAVE to stray from the guidelines, you can! Don't beat yourself up, just enjoy what you you're about to do and then get back on your shakes and water as soon as possible. As MCH says, "you're doing amazing things for your body the other 20 days!"
JR came into town (aww, more on him in a bit) and I realized that it was a rather unfortunate situation to be drinking protein shakes while he was wanting to try out all my Galveston eating faves. He is very supportive of the detox though, and so we agreed to not fall completely off the wagon: we DID have dinner at Paco's on Friday night, but we shared a bottle of red wine and I had snapper with pico and avocado on it, ate the sugar snap peas and skipped the potatoes au gratin. Was it the healthiest thing in the world? Probably not...but it was a smart choice given my options and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
At HH's baby shower the next day, Haynes and I indulged in a glass of champagne. But I didn't feel the need to eat any of the food there, which was WEIRD.
Because this girl? This girl LIKES TO EAT.
It was at the shower that I realized how this is affecting the way I view food. For one, I am not hungry. Two, I measure and view the food I eat differently. Is it fresh? Is it processed? Did it come from a can or box? It takes time to consider these things and find the answers. But it's totally worth it.
The other really helpful thing is having someone who supports you. JR is very much like me: he loves to cook and eat good food, but he balances it with being active and daily workouts, as well a good healthy diet and lots of water. He was totally on board to not drink alcohol this weekend with me and to encourage me. I can't imagine if I had someone who wasn't a positive asset to this process - it would make it very difficult.
I found myself REALLY ready to be back on the program this morning - I got up, ran my miles, came home and made my shake. JR reported that he finished his morning workout and made his own protein shake.
Happy to be back on the G Tox!
Big shouts out to all the recent newbies also: Allison, you're going to love it!
Mary Claire totally reassured me that if something comes up and you HAVE to stray from the guidelines, you can! Don't beat yourself up, just enjoy what you you're about to do and then get back on your shakes and water as soon as possible. As MCH says, "you're doing amazing things for your body the other 20 days!"
JR came into town (aww, more on him in a bit) and I realized that it was a rather unfortunate situation to be drinking protein shakes while he was wanting to try out all my Galveston eating faves. He is very supportive of the detox though, and so we agreed to not fall completely off the wagon: we DID have dinner at Paco's on Friday night, but we shared a bottle of red wine and I had snapper with pico and avocado on it, ate the sugar snap peas and skipped the potatoes au gratin. Was it the healthiest thing in the world? Probably not...but it was a smart choice given my options and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
At HH's baby shower the next day, Haynes and I indulged in a glass of champagne. But I didn't feel the need to eat any of the food there, which was WEIRD.
Because this girl? This girl LIKES TO EAT.
It was at the shower that I realized how this is affecting the way I view food. For one, I am not hungry. Two, I measure and view the food I eat differently. Is it fresh? Is it processed? Did it come from a can or box? It takes time to consider these things and find the answers. But it's totally worth it.
The other really helpful thing is having someone who supports you. JR is very much like me: he loves to cook and eat good food, but he balances it with being active and daily workouts, as well a good healthy diet and lots of water. He was totally on board to not drink alcohol this weekend with me and to encourage me. I can't imagine if I had someone who wasn't a positive asset to this process - it would make it very difficult.
I found myself REALLY ready to be back on the program this morning - I got up, ran my miles, came home and made my shake. JR reported that he finished his morning workout and made his own protein shake.
Happy to be back on the G Tox!
Big shouts out to all the recent newbies also: Allison, you're going to love it!
I feel GOOOOOD today. Not kidding, full of energy, full happy tummy, healthy. And the bloating has gone down.
4 days in, I take this as a good sign.
It also doesn't hurt that I've shed some lbs, and two people have complimented me on looking "lean" this morning - I'll TAKE IT. TWICE ON SUNDAY.
Let's talk about the shakes:
I have heard a lot of griping about the shakes and, well, maybe I'm just not picky but I kind of like mine. I might have to make one for Haynes and see if she likes mine better, bless her heart she is NOT enjoying them!
They are thick - I'll give you that. But I dunno...that makes it more filling to me? Hell, I am weird.
Liz's current shake:
1/2 cup plain soy milk
1/2 small banana (too much nana makes it like gummy and funktastic - beware)
1 scoop protein powder (100% whey / chocolate)
1 Tablespoon Psyllium Husk (fiber)
*Special thanks to Dr. Ashley Group for lending me her amazing blender. It is getting a WORKOUT sister!*
The shakes definitely keep me full...I truly feel like if I WERE to eat, I would be miserable. It's definitely a departure from eating real food but I think it's an adjustment...but all in all, I have found it to be OK. Not terrible. Don't ask Mary Beth Bassett the same questions - she does NOT like the shakes!
I would love to hear what other people put in theirs? Heidi mentioned that she uses the banana and that others were using a scoop of greek yogurt which seems smart because of all the good microbial stuff up in there. I bought some fruit to experiment with but, for now, my recipe seems to be working.
Ask me on Day 15.
4 days in, I take this as a good sign.
It also doesn't hurt that I've shed some lbs, and two people have complimented me on looking "lean" this morning - I'll TAKE IT. TWICE ON SUNDAY.
Let's talk about the shakes:
I have heard a lot of griping about the shakes and, well, maybe I'm just not picky but I kind of like mine. I might have to make one for Haynes and see if she likes mine better, bless her heart she is NOT enjoying them!
They are thick - I'll give you that. But I dunno...that makes it more filling to me? Hell, I am weird.
Liz's current shake:
1/2 cup plain soy milk
1/2 small banana (too much nana makes it like gummy and funktastic - beware)
1 scoop protein powder (100% whey / chocolate)
1 Tablespoon Psyllium Husk (fiber)
*Special thanks to Dr. Ashley Group for lending me her amazing blender. It is getting a WORKOUT sister!*
The shakes definitely keep me full...I truly feel like if I WERE to eat, I would be miserable. It's definitely a departure from eating real food but I think it's an adjustment...but all in all, I have found it to be OK. Not terrible. Don't ask Mary Beth Bassett the same questions - she does NOT like the shakes!
I would love to hear what other people put in theirs? Heidi mentioned that she uses the banana and that others were using a scoop of greek yogurt which seems smart because of all the good microbial stuff up in there. I bought some fruit to experiment with but, for now, my recipe seems to be working.
Ask me on Day 15.
Everything is better in pairs...
shoes, pants, diamonds... and dieting.
I will say that one of the best things about g-tox for me, has been that Liz and I are doing it together- a pair! (and Hey-tell helps too). We can talk all day about what we are eating, text what we miss, feel good about on this, bloating?!?!, and overall encourage each other.
Is this hard- well no, but it does take planning and time. I am realizing that a lot of what i do/eat is habit and and out of lack of time. It is always going to be easier to eat that pop tart instead of making eggs and fruit. This is so much more than a body cleanse, it is also a wake up call to the things that I am putting in my body and the bodies of my little people. I am encouraged by how I feel and hope soon that my body shows that too...
Thanks for being my partner in crime Liz!
Day One (and Two)
The good:
Uh....I am NOT hungry. I was really concerned about being starving and deprived. I assure you, I am not. I'm discovering that my eating habits are just that: habits. When I come home from picking IV up, I usually make him a snack, and cut up some veggies or have 1/2 a PB sandwich's not that I'm hungry for it, it is TRULY a habit! So it's been a fun experiment to be full...and take a step back from my eating habits to analyze them.
The pills haven't been hard to get down - Haynes and I have simply tucked them in a little container in our purses and I take them throughout the day, usually after my shake or lunch.
Water, water, water. I feel so much better - I don't miss caffeine, don't miss my one-a-day-Diet-Coke habit. The water is a means to an end (LITERALLY DUDE, this is a lot of fiber and that scares me) and I'm happy to guzzle it all day long. We bought "bobbles" the drinking container with the filter in the top so anywhere we go, we can drink yummy water.
The bad:
Never have I realized how social food is in my life - my friend Dr. Ashley Group has a big test today and I started to pen a text asking her to meet for a celebratory dinner. And then had to delete it because, uh, what was I going to do? Bring a shake into Gumbo Bar?
Now, I don't plan on a life of deprivation so I know I'll be able to resume a normal social calendar soon, but it is kind of weird to not have that option made me sad that I don't have that option right now.
My BFF Cat and I have a standing breakfast date at Sunflower every week and this morning I had water while she ate her healthy breakfast - it wasn't terrible but poached eggs looked amazing! Ha! It was a reminder that I can still enjoy friends and conversation without eating at the same time...but it's pretty annoying for pals. I assume. Cat rolled her eyes at me.
The ugly:
OK - so, I sort of look like Santa Claus. Or 4 months pregnant. Or maybe a 4 month preggers Santa Claus. Regardless, I was pretty, uh, shocked to look at my bloated belly in the mirror. What the WHAT?
So, yeah, NOT AWESOME, but I am definitely giving it a week for my body to adjust. I think that's only fair and I know from previous training for marathons that such a massive intake of water is something that my body has to regulate and get used to. So I'm digging out my most forgiving dolman tops for the work week. Improvise and overcome.
So far so good - I'm not bitchy, I'm not craving food and I gave the Victoria Secret model a high five this morning when I made my shake.
Uh....I am NOT hungry. I was really concerned about being starving and deprived. I assure you, I am not. I'm discovering that my eating habits are just that: habits. When I come home from picking IV up, I usually make him a snack, and cut up some veggies or have 1/2 a PB sandwich's not that I'm hungry for it, it is TRULY a habit! So it's been a fun experiment to be full...and take a step back from my eating habits to analyze them.
The pills haven't been hard to get down - Haynes and I have simply tucked them in a little container in our purses and I take them throughout the day, usually after my shake or lunch.
Water, water, water. I feel so much better - I don't miss caffeine, don't miss my one-a-day-Diet-Coke habit. The water is a means to an end (LITERALLY DUDE, this is a lot of fiber and that scares me) and I'm happy to guzzle it all day long. We bought "bobbles" the drinking container with the filter in the top so anywhere we go, we can drink yummy water.
The bad:
Never have I realized how social food is in my life - my friend Dr. Ashley Group has a big test today and I started to pen a text asking her to meet for a celebratory dinner. And then had to delete it because, uh, what was I going to do? Bring a shake into Gumbo Bar?
Now, I don't plan on a life of deprivation so I know I'll be able to resume a normal social calendar soon, but it is kind of weird to not have that option made me sad that I don't have that option right now.
My BFF Cat and I have a standing breakfast date at Sunflower every week and this morning I had water while she ate her healthy breakfast - it wasn't terrible but poached eggs looked amazing! Ha! It was a reminder that I can still enjoy friends and conversation without eating at the same time...but it's pretty annoying for pals. I assume. Cat rolled her eyes at me.
The ugly:
OK - so, I sort of look like Santa Claus. Or 4 months pregnant. Or maybe a 4 month preggers Santa Claus. Regardless, I was pretty, uh, shocked to look at my bloated belly in the mirror. What the WHAT?
So, yeah, NOT AWESOME, but I am definitely giving it a week for my body to adjust. I think that's only fair and I know from previous training for marathons that such a massive intake of water is something that my body has to regulate and get used to. So I'm digging out my most forgiving dolman tops for the work week. Improvise and overcome.
So far so good - I'm not bitchy, I'm not craving food and I gave the Victoria Secret model a high five this morning when I made my shake.
Goals for the G-tox
This year it was my goal to "challenge myself"... boy have we taken that to a whole new level... after completing my first ever 1/2 marathon at the beginning of this month- I was motivated to find the next challenge... leave to Liz Rogers to have an idea...
This day- February 21, 2012- LR and I started a cleansing, clairifying detox- Gtox if you will- to help not only continue in weight loss, but I am also using this to inspire/challenge me to be a better, healthier me. I want to do this for my girls- as an example, for my hubby- as a spouse that he is proud of, and my energy as a young mom... let's not forget the main goal of my future- a healthy one!!
Don't get me wrong- I still LOVE a good donut and can't wait to treat myself to one in about 20 days... but for now- I took my before pics in a swimsuit- humbled is the only word I can use... it is those pics that will keep me sticking to it.
National donut day- suck it.
Ground Zero...
Today starts the first day of our G-Tox experiment - I keep telling myself that I can DO ANYTHING for 21 days and that this is for my health, for my bikini body and for my sanity...but let's be real. I am SCARED about not really eating a lot of food for the next 21 days.
Food is what I do for a living - I am a Public Relations Director for restaurants. Food is how I meet people. Food is how we celebrate. Food is my livelihood. So I'm taking this on as a challenge to incorporate healthy ideas into my daily life of, well, food.
I'm also a single mom of a 3 1/2 year old boy - so between work, child-chasing, running, keeping a house together and social life, I find my self drained of energy and tired, falling into bed at 9 pm most nights. I would love to do something good for my body and health, and to have more stamina to be with IV.
The G-Tox is pretty simple really: 2 shakes a day with plenty of protein, fiber and good things, one meal of unprocessed foods, LOTS of water and a variety of healthy supplements.
The 2 shakes a day makes perfect sense to me: YOU CAN'T SCREW THIS UP. Essentially, there's only one opportunity for me to make eating decisions and to be thoughtful about it. So that's a definite plus for me.
Challenges on the horizon? Well, let's just say I won't be going on any dates for 21 days and that might be a healthy detox of it's own sort right there. Ahem.
We have dinner plans at Paco's on Friday and so I already thought about my meal for that night: salad with olive oil and vinegar on the side and one of Paco's grilled fish dinners with veggies, no starches. While it probably still has something less desirable in it, I'm pretty proud of the fact that I'm considering these things and that there are really options anywhere you go.
It also kinda resets the whole idea of rich food as a "treat" - I fall easily into a life of eating amazing food, often. And while I do practice moderation in portion sizes, I am blessed in that I get to eat incredible seafood, steaks, pastas, gourmet items on a weekly basis. The idea that these things are cause for appreciation, a pause for consideration, is a good thing. Healthy thinking.
This all sounds really smart, right? Conscientious! Healthy! OK, so here's ME BEING REAL:
Haynes and I would love to drop a few pounds before Spring Break. So I cut a goal bikini out of my new Victoria's Secret catalog and taped it to the front of my tackle box-o-supplements, as a reminder that looking smokin hot? It's hard work. Commitment. Boosh.

And coming from two girls who trained for a half marathon with 3 kiddos, ran 13.1 in the freezing ass cold rain, I think we're good.
Enjoy our journey! It's bound to be entertaining.
Food is what I do for a living - I am a Public Relations Director for restaurants. Food is how I meet people. Food is how we celebrate. Food is my livelihood. So I'm taking this on as a challenge to incorporate healthy ideas into my daily life of, well, food.
I'm also a single mom of a 3 1/2 year old boy - so between work, child-chasing, running, keeping a house together and social life, I find my self drained of energy and tired, falling into bed at 9 pm most nights. I would love to do something good for my body and health, and to have more stamina to be with IV.
The G-Tox is pretty simple really: 2 shakes a day with plenty of protein, fiber and good things, one meal of unprocessed foods, LOTS of water and a variety of healthy supplements.
The 2 shakes a day makes perfect sense to me: YOU CAN'T SCREW THIS UP. Essentially, there's only one opportunity for me to make eating decisions and to be thoughtful about it. So that's a definite plus for me.
Challenges on the horizon? Well, let's just say I won't be going on any dates for 21 days and that might be a healthy detox of it's own sort right there. Ahem.
We have dinner plans at Paco's on Friday and so I already thought about my meal for that night: salad with olive oil and vinegar on the side and one of Paco's grilled fish dinners with veggies, no starches. While it probably still has something less desirable in it, I'm pretty proud of the fact that I'm considering these things and that there are really options anywhere you go.
It also kinda resets the whole idea of rich food as a "treat" - I fall easily into a life of eating amazing food, often. And while I do practice moderation in portion sizes, I am blessed in that I get to eat incredible seafood, steaks, pastas, gourmet items on a weekly basis. The idea that these things are cause for appreciation, a pause for consideration, is a good thing. Healthy thinking.
This all sounds really smart, right? Conscientious! Healthy! OK, so here's ME BEING REAL:
Haynes and I would love to drop a few pounds before Spring Break. So I cut a goal bikini out of my new Victoria's Secret catalog and taped it to the front of my tackle box-o-supplements, as a reminder that looking smokin hot? It's hard work. Commitment. Boosh.
And coming from two girls who trained for a half marathon with 3 kiddos, ran 13.1 in the freezing ass cold rain, I think we're good.
Enjoy our journey! It's bound to be entertaining.
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